Athens, November 1, 2021


Subject: «GTSA – Signing Diversity Charter»

The Greek Transgender Support Association (GTSA), is a voluntary non-governmental organization that promotes the rights and freedoms of trans, gender-diverse, and LGBTI persons in general, as well as sex workers, with this press release announces the meeting of representatives of GTSA with the President of KEAN and co-founder of the Diversity Charter for Greek companies, Mr. Stavros Milionis and the Communication Manager of the Charter, Mrs. Katerina Psiha.

The meeting took place on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, in a very positive atmosphere and lasted about 1.5 hours.

The representatives of GTSA, Kimon Melikertis, General Secretary and Anna Apergi, Director of the Association, signed the Diversity Charter, while submitting a letter to Mr. Milionis, informing him about the multiple exclusions and discrimination experience by trans people in our country in the field of workplaces, the current legal framework and the developments that exist regarding the inclusion of trans persons in the Special Programs of OAED.

Also, the representatives of GTSA submitted specific proposals, in order to support in practice the promotion of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, to combat the exclusion of trans and LGBTI persons in general from the workplace.

The Diversity Charter is an initiative of the European Commission for the promotion of diversity in Greek companies and was founded in our country in 2019. The aim of the Diversity Charter is to act as a means of commitment to implement the principle of equal treatment in every working environment in Greece.

In September 2020, the memorable President of GTSA, Marina Galanou, participated with a presentation at the 2nd Conference of Diversity for Greek companies, which was held at the Zappeion Megaron, in the framework of the actions of the Diversity Charter for Greek companies, welcoming the work of the Conference, stating that the mere fact that such a conference is organized in Greece, is in itself a positive step, while emphasizing that the importance of the Diversity Charter initiative, although it was late to be established in our country, is huge, because it will support diversity in a practical way.

The GTSA will continue to work guided by the fight of our inspired President Marina Galanou, with the aim of removing the exclusions faced by trans people in the workplace, in order to achieve equal treatment, both in the field of work and in all areas of daily life.



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